Research Toolkit
Still learning how to best access and enlist peer-reviewed research? Overwhelmed by the volume of articles and topics? These tools will help you structure your review of the literature so that it is thorough, fruitful and efficient:
The Research Minute articles have been generously shared by Sandra Burge, Ph.D. Sandra is Professor of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (UTHSCSA). She has served as the Director of the RRNeT PBRN at UTHSCSA since 1997 and Director of the PBRN Resource Center at UTHSCSA since 2011. Dr. Burge is a frequent research collaborator with Drs. Schneider and Scherrer and other members of our department. We thank her for this resource, however, any personnel mentioned in the Research Minutes are with the University of Texas, not Saint Louis University.
Each of her "Research Minute" newsletters succinctly covers a different "how-to" topic in research. Check out each of these below for some great information and guidance. Please note any personnel mentioned in these newsletters are with the University of Texas and not affiliated with Saint Louis University.
A small library of surveys, tests and other tools for use in research, organized into broad categories. Some are copyrighted, others can be used freely. Copyrighted tools are marked as such. If you are using a copyrighted tool, please be sure to receive all appropriate permissions before using. Some links will take you directly to a .pdf of the research instruments. Others will take you to a page that includes the research instrument and instructional or other supplementary materials.
Chronic Disease:
Substance Use:
- Core Drug Survey (copyrighted)
- Drug Use Questionnaire
- Alcohol Effects Questionnaire
- Alcohol Outcome Expectancies Scale
- Alcohol and Drug Consequences Questionnaire
- Controlled Drinking Self-Efficacy Scale
Mental Health:
- CES-D (Depression)
- PHQ2 (Depression)
- PHQ9 (Depression)
- Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale
- Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression
- GAD 7
- Beck Depression Inventory I
- Beck Depression Inventory II
Opioid Misuse:
Clinical Research Appraisal Inventory (Copyrighted)
Food Frequency Questionnaire (Copyrighted)
Medical Mistrust Survey (Group-based)
Perceived Stress Scale (Copyrighted)
Personal Behavior Checklist/ Fetal Alcohol Behavior Scale (Copyrighted)
Pregnancy Related Behavior Scale (Copyrighted)
Public Data:
- Compendium of Publicly Available Data Sets and Other Data-Related Resources
- National Center for Health Statistics Research Data Center
- Health Services Research Information Central
- Add Health (National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health)
- Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
- National Medical Expenditure Survey