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Robert Aldridge, Ph.D.


Courses Taught

Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates, Comparative Vertebrate Reproduction, Herpetology, Natural History of the Vertebrates. Research Interests: I study the reproductive biology of reptiles, specializing in snakes and lizards. Specifically, I study the environmental and endocrine control of reproduction, functions and sources of gonadotropins and sex steroids, morphology & histology of the reproductive system and pheromone communication.


 Ph.D., University of New Mexico

Research Interests

Aldridge studies the reproductive biology of reptiles, specializing in snakes and lizards. Specifically, he studies the environmental and endocrine control of reproduction, functions and sources of gonadotropins and sex steroids, morphology and histology of the reproductive system and pheromone communication.

Labs and Facilities

Undergraduate students are welcome to visit the lab to discuss participating in any of the ongoing research projects. Aldridge works on living and preserved specimens. Students will learn snake reproductive anatomy, histological techniques, data analysis and techniques for studying reproductive behaviors in snakes.

Publications and Media Placements

Siegel, D. S. A. Miralles, J. L. Rheubert and R. D. Aldridge. in press. HELODERMA SUSPECTUM (Gila Monster). FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE ANATOMY. Herpetological Review.

Siegel, D. S., R. D. Aldridge, J. L. Rheubert, K. M. Gribbins, D. M. Sever, and S. E. Trauth. 2012. in press. The testicular sperm ducts and genital kidney of male Ambystoma maculatum (Amphibia, Urodela, Ambystomatidae). Journal of Morphology.

Wilmes, A. J., J. L. Rheubert, D. L. Gruenewald, T. Kotaru and R. D. Aldridge. in press. Conspecific pheromone trailing and pheromone trail longevity in the African Colubrid Boaedon fuliginosus. African Journal of Herpetology.

Wilmes, A. J., D. S. Siegel and R. D. Aldridge. 2011. Premature sperm ejaculation in captive African brown house snake (Lamprophis fuliginosus). African Journal of Herpetology 60:177-180.

Siegel, D. S. and R. D. Aldridge. 2012. Clinton L. Baker. Tennessee Journal of Science 87:9-10.

Siegel, D. S., E. R. Wilson, and R. D. Aldridge. 2012 The urogenital system of the male Rhyacotriton and the evolution of the male urogenital system in salamanders. Tennessee Journal of Science 87:11-27.

Siegel, D. S., A. Miralles and R. D. Aldridge. 2012. The phylogenetic distribution and morphological variation of the "pouch" in female snakes. Acta Zoologica 93:400-408, plus cover photo.

Siegel, D. S., C. M. Murray, E. R. Wilson, E. R. Puleo, K. A. True and R. D. Aldridge. 2012. Sexual kidneys in the red-spotted newt (Notophthalmus viridescens). Journal of Herpetology 46:136-144.

Siegel, D. S., A. Miralles and R. D. Aldridge. 2011. Controversial snake relationships supported by reproductive anatomy. Journal of Anatomy 218:342-348.

Siegel, D. S., D. M. Sever and R. D. Aldridge. 2010. The pelvic kidney of male Ambystoma maculatum (Amphibia, Urodela, Ambystomatidae) with special reference to the sexual collecting ducts. Journal of Morphology 27:1422-1439.

Siegel, D. S., S. E. Trauth, D. M. Sever, and R. D. Aldridge. 2011. The phylogenetic distribution of the ampulla ureter and ampulla urogenital/uriniferous papilla in Serpentes. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 49(2): 160-168.

Lee, T. J., D. S. Seigel, B. C. Jellen and R. D. Aldridge. 2010. Homosexual reproductive behavior in the African brown house snake (Lamprophis fuliginosus). Reptiles and Amphibians Magazine 17(4):208-209.

Jellen, B. C., D. S. Siegel and R. D. Aldridge. 2010. Sistrurus catenatus (Massasauga). Female sperm evacuation. Herpetological Review 41:502-503.

Jellen, B. C. and R. D. Aldridge. 2011. Paternity patterns. Pp. 619-644. In: Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes. (Eds. R. D. Aldridge and D. M. Sever). Volume 9 Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny. Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield, NH.

Aldridge, R. D. and D. M. Sever. 2011. Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes. Volume 9, Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny. Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield, NH.

Aldridge, R. D., B. C. Jellen, D. S. Siegel and S. S. Wisniewski. 2011. Pp. 477-509. The sexual segment of the kidney. In: Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes. (Eds. R. D. Aldridge and D. M. Sever). Volume 9 Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny. Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield, NH.

Siegel, D, S., A. Miralles, R. E. Chabarria and R. D. Aldridge. 2011. Pp. 347-409. Female reproductive anatomy: cloaca, oviduct, and sperm storage. In: Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes. (Eds. R. D. Aldridge and D. M. Sever). Volume 9 Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny. Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield, NH.

Aldridge, R. D., D. S. Siegel, A. P. Bufalino and S. S. Wisniewski, and B. C. Jellen. 2010. A multi-year comparison of the male reproductive biology of the brown treesnake (Boiga irregularis) on Guam. Australian Journal of Zoology 58:24-32.

Siegel, D. S., R. D. Aldridge, C. S. Clark, E. H. Poldemann and K. M. Gribbins. 2009. Stress and reproduction in Boiga irregularis with notes on the ultrastructure of the sexual segment of the kidney in squamates. Canadian Journal of Zoology 87:1138-1146.

Aldridge, R. D., S. R. Goldberg, S. S. Wisniewski, A. P. Bufalino and C. B. Dillman. 2009. The reproductive cycle and estrus in the colubrid snakes of temperate North America. Contemporary Herpetology 2009(4):1-31.

Aldridge, R. D., B. C. Jellen, M. C. Allender, M. J. Dreslik, D. B. Shepard, J. M. Cox, and C. A. Phillips. 2008. Reproductive biology of the massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) from South-central Illinois. Pp 403-412 in W. K. Hayes, K. R. Beaman, M. D. Cardwell, and S. P. Bush (eds). The Biology of the Rattlesnakes, Loma Linda University Press, Loma Linda, CA USA

Aldridge, R. D. and A. A. Arackal. 2005. Reproductive biology and stress of captivity in male brown treesnakes (Boiga irregularis) on Guam. Australian Journal of Zoology 53:1-8.

Aldridge, R. D., A. P. Bufalino, C. Robison, C. Salgado and P. Khayyat. 2005. Courtship behavior and evacuation of the urinary ducts in captive brown house snakes (Lamprophis fuliginosus). Amphibia-Reptilia 26:576-582.

Aldridge, R. D., A. P. Bufalino and A. Reeves. 2005. Pheromone communication in the watersnake, Nerodia sipedon: a mechanistic difference between semi-aquatic and terrestrial species. American Midland Naturalist 154:412-422.

Aldridge, R. D., A. P. Bufalino and P. Khayyat. 2003. The mating season and the conflict between courtship and feeding in the water snake, Nerodia sipedon sipedon. Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española 14:25-28.

Aldridge, R. D. and A. P. Bufalino. 2003. Reproductive female common watersnakes (Nerodia sipedon sipedon) are not anorexic in the wild. Journal of Herpetology 37:188-191.

Aldridge, R. D., K. A. Williams and R. Rivera Tiellery. 2003. Seasonal feeding and coelomic fat mass in the water snake Nerodia rhombifer in Veracruz, Mexico. Herpetologica 59:43-51.

Aldridge, R. D. and D. Duvall. 2002. The evolution of the mating season in the pitvipers of North America. Herpetological Monographs 16:1-25.

Aldridge, R. D. 2002. The link between mating season and male reproductive anatomy in the rattlesnakes Crotalus viridis oreganus and C. v. helleri. Journal of Herpetology 36:295-300.

Aldridge, R. D. 2001. Reproductive anatomy, mating season and cost of reproduction in the glossy snake (Arizona elegans). Amphibia-Reptilia 22:243-249.