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The Collaborative for Humanistic Inquiry

The Collaborative for Humanistic Inquiry (CHI). Funded by the newly-established Humanities Endowment, CHI facilitates faculty and center collaboration on topics like the global impact of Catholicism, Environmental Humanities, or Digital and Geospatial Ethics.

slu campus photo of fountain

CHI's nine research centers tackle a diverse range of complex topics, including the global impact of Catholicism, the ethical dimensions of artificial intelligence, and the role of religion in American public life. Each center boasts a strong record of research excellence, with several receiving competitive grants from organizations such as the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Henry Luce Foundation. The new integrative structure of CHI will enhance interdisciplinary collaboration within SLU and with other institutions, driving forward important questions about the human experience, both historical and contemporary, to shed light on our shared future.


Center for Iberian Historical Studies

The Saint Louis University Center for Iberian Historical Studies (CIHS) promotes advanced research and scholarly conversations on any topic related to Iberian studies and analyzes them through a historical lens. The SLU center welcomes initiatives dealing with Iberian studies from late antiquity up to the present. We are particularly interested in promoting the study of the “First Iberian Globalization (Medieval period-1800s)” by focusing on the local, colonial, transregional and global history of Iberian interactions and/or exchanges.

Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies supports, coordinates and promotes the extraordinary array of scholars, students and resources devoted to medieval and early modern research at SLU. One of the largest in the U.S., the center is home to more than 60 full-time faculty members and numerous students, fellows and visiting scholars. By supporting students, conferences, speakers, fellowships, library acquisitions and professorships, the center enriches the intellectual environment for medievalists and early modernists on campus and around the world.

  • Contact SLU's Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at or 314-977-7180.

Center for Religious and Legal History

The Saint Louis University Center for Religious and Legal History is a research center devoted to advancing the study of the historical relationships between religion and law. Regardless of confession or tradition, the center assumes that immersion in the historical context and development of systems of religious law, and the history of the relationship between law and religion, leads to deeper understanding and wiser action. Consistent with the Jesuit mission and identity of SLU, the center proceeds from the principle that good, truth-seeking historical research encourages thoughtful and informed engagement in the present with both God and humankind.

Center for Research on Global Catholicism (CRGC)

The Center for Research on Global Catholicism (CRGC) at Saint Louis University supports scholarship at the nexus of Catholicism and culture, providing robust programming that promotes interdisciplinary research, collaboration, and methodological innovation.

CREST Research Center (Culture, Religion, Ethics, Science, Technology)

The CREST Research Center (Culture, Religion, Ethics, Science, Technology) at Saint Louis University seeks to integrate humanistic interdisciplinary scholarship with innovations in science and technology for the service of humanity. 

Walter J. Ong, S.J. Center for Digital Humanities

The Saint Louis University Walter J. Ong Center for Digital Humanities (OngCDH) is a multidisciplinary center that promotes creativity, innovative scholarship, excellence in teaching, and service to the community, through fostering collaborative engagement with the digital humanities. The center supports faculty and students in the College of Arts and Sciences by organizing and sponsoring conferences, lectures, workshops, and seminars; providing individual mentorship and guidance; and by facilitating access to information resources. OngCDH is dedicated to diversity, equity, and social responsibility.