SLU Study: Mediterranean Diet Boosts Endurance Exercise Within Days
Carrie Bebermeyer
Public Relations Director
Reserved for members of the media.
Researchers at Saint Louis University have found that eating a Mediterranean diet can improve athletes’ endurance exercise performance after just four days.
In a small study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, investigators found that participants ran a 5K six percent faster after eating a Mediterranean diet than after eating a Western diet. Researchers found no difference between the two diets in performance in anaerobic exercise tests.

The Mediterranean diet includes whole fruits and vegetables, nuts, olive oil and whole grains, and avoids red and processed meats, dairy, trans and saturated fats and refined sugars.
By comparison, the Western diet is characterized by low intake of fruit, vegetables and unrefined or minimally processed oils and high intakes of trans and saturated fats, dairy, refined sugars, refined and highly processed vegetable oils, sodium and processed foods.
Senior researcher Edward Weiss, Ph.D., professor of nutrition and dietetics at SLU,
says the Mediterranean diet is well-established as having numerous health benefits.
He and his team hypothesized that the diet’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects,
more alkaline pH and dietary nitrates might lead to improved exercise performance.
“Many individual nutrients in the Mediterranean diet improve exercise performance
immediately or within a few days. Therefore, it makes sense that a whole dietary pattern
that includes these nutrients is also quick to improve performance,” Weiss said. “However,
these benefits were also quickly lost when switching to the Western diet, highlighting
the importance of long-term adherence to the Mediterranean diet.”
The study enrolled seven women and four men in a randomized-sequence crossover study.
The participants ran five kilometers on a treadmill on two occasions – once after
four days on a Mediterranean diet and on another occasion after four days on a Western
diet, with a period of nine to 16 days separating the two tests.
Weiss says the study found the 5K run time was six percent faster after the Mediterranean
diet than the Western diet despite similar heart rates and ratings of perceived exertion.
“This study provides evidence that a diet that is known to be good for health is also
good for exercise performance,” Weiss said. “Like the general population, athletes
and other exercise enthusiasts commonly eat unhealthy diets. Now they have an additional
incentive to eat healthy.”
Other researchers on the study include Michelle Baker, Kristen DeCesare, Abby Johnson, Kathleen Kress and Cynthia Inman.
Long a leader in educating health professionals, Saint Louis University offered its first degree in an allied health profession in 1929. Today the Doisy College of Health Sciences offers degrees in physical therapy and athletic training, biomedical laboratory science, nutrition and dietetics, health informatics and information management, health sciences, medical imaging and radiation therapeutics, occupational science and occupational therapy, and physician assistant education. The college's unique curriculum prepares students to work with health professionals from all disciplines to ensure the best possible patient care.