Faculty Senate Shares Resources For New Academic Year
The Faculty Senate Executive Committee has compiled resources and information for new and returning faculty members.
The resources include a newly updated Faculty Senate website. The website has the Senate meeting calendar, a suggestion box and Senate agendas and minutes.
Also new for the 2023-24 academic year is a Faculty Senate blog. The blow, which has a follow feature, will be updated regularly with items which will be of interest for faculty members. Those who follow will receive notices of updates.
Faculty members also are encouraged to fill out the Faculty Service Interest Survey. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee is charged with providing faculty representatives to the various University committees as the need arises. The purpose of this survey is to compile a list of faculty and their interests or expertise, so as to have a pool of potential candidates accessible if needed.
The first match will occur with open positions as of Friday, Sept. 1. Additional openings happen throughout the year.